
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库

Journal of Tibetology

【 2022-03-07 10:12:47 】 【 来源:656娱乐 】



……………………………………………………………李映福 哈比布(1

再论卡若、曲贡等西藏史前遗址的相关问题 …………………汤惠生(11

德噶?玉蔡会盟寺的再思考(英文) ………………马休·凯普斯坦著(32

德噶?玉蔡会盟寺的再思考 ……………马休·凯普斯坦著 卢素文译(35

藏文??????一词的演变 ………………………………………………杨铭(38



查木钦石碑与吐蕃墓群主人之新考 …………………………夏吾卡先56






《究竟瑜伽鬘》中的秘密集会三十二尊曼荼罗 ……………张雅静(141




……………………………………………乌云毕力格 道帏·才让加(175

蒙文版《察哈尔格西·罗桑楚臣传》版本研究 ……………董晓荣(186

试论18 世纪后期清朝对康区政策的变化(英文)………小林亮介(197

文明交汇与社会变迁:1923 年哈佛人类学家沃尔辛中国内陆西北甘青探险及其拉卜楞研究




对第四届中国西藏发展论坛的观察 ……………………………陈波(228

摘要  …………………………………………………………………(235


1. The Discovery and Preliminary Research on Smelting Remains Found in the Gargrong Village Site, Duilung dechen County, TAR /1                           

Li Yingfu, Ha Bibu

2. Remarks on such Prehistoric Archeological Sites in Tibet as Kha rub, Chu gong, and Related Issues /11     

Tang Huisheng

3. The Treaty Temple of De ga g.yu tshal: Reconsiderations* /32

Matthew T. Kapstein

4. The Treaty Temple of De ga g.yu tshal: Reconsiderations /35

Matthew T. Kapstein, Chinese translation by Lu Suwen

5. The Evolution of the Tibetan Place Name Bal po /38

Yang Ming

6. Some Questions about the Newly Discovered Praying Bell in the Jag rong dga' ldan byin chen Monastery during the Period of Btsan po Khri lde gtsug brtsan /44                       

Lu Li

7. Re-examination on Khrom Chen Tombs in Lha rtse, TAR /56

Shawo khacham

8. An Early Thangka of Avalokite?vara from the Kingdom of Guge* /70

Amy Heller

9. A Textual Study of the Three Versions of the Zhenwu-Mahākāla Story in the Mongol-Yuan Period /85         

Ma Xiaolin

10. The Myth of Maitreya in Tibet* /99      

Nemoto Hiroshi

11. Iconographical Analysis of a Ming Print of *U??ī?acakra-mahābalagu?a-tejaprabhatathāgata-

dhāra?ī-sūtra in the Collection of Zhihua Monastery /111

Liao Yang

12. The 32-deity Guhyasamāja Ma??ala Recorded in Ni?pannayogāvalī /141                 

Zhang Yajing

13. The History of Tshal pa Myriarchy: A Study Based on the Annals of Gung thang Monastery/153            

Migmar Tsering

14. A Study of A Bka' gtan Document Issued by Gu shri Bstan 'dzin chos rgyal to the Stag phu Monastery in the Iron-Dragon Year/175

Borjigidai Oyunbilig, Dobis Tsering Gyal

15. A Study of the Mongolian Version of the Biography of Chahaer Dge bshes Blo bzang tshul khrims /186        

Dong Xiaorong

16. The New Policies of the Qing toward the Khams Region during the Late Eighteenth Century /197       

Kobayashi Ryosuke

17. The Crossroad of Four Civilizations and Social Change: the Expedition of the Harvard Anthropologist Wulsin in Northwester China and His Research in Labrang /208   

Nyima Tashi

18. On Dry Toilets in Tibetan Rural Areas and the Relation to the Local Developments and Traditional Ecological Ethics /216

Zeng Renli

19. Some Observations about the Fourth Forum on the Development of Tibet /228                                  Chen Bo

20. Abstracts /235

