…………………………………………………656娱乐、故宫博物院藏传佛教文物研究所(1) (张长虹、鲍楠等执笔)
《元释墓志》与吐蕃入滇…………………………………………………………………………………………………陈明迪 陆离(53)
成都地区新见明墓中的藏传佛教石刻初探……………………………………………………………………索德浩 王梦雨 左志强(100)
在喜马拉雅雨影下 :穆斯塘土钦寺的绘画风格及其与古格艺术的关联(英文)………………………………………陈秉扬 (149)
布达拉宫法王洞建筑演变及艺术风格考察…………………………………………………………………………………多吉平措 (175)
尼泊尔西部喀萨王国佛陀造像的初步观察(英文)……………………………………………………………………艾米·海勒 (215)
南喀扎与“三兄弟银像”:来自西藏西部的一位十六世纪“神圣艺术家”及其艺术遗产(英文)……尤利·霍赫洛夫 亚尼克·劳伦 (236)
文本与图像的对话——检视夏钦·仁钦米久坚赞(1717-1780)生平传记唐卡的历史宗教语境(英文)……约克·韩贝勒尔 (275)
乃琼寺回廊壁画所呈现的藏传佛教护法神体系…………………………………………………………………………………张昆晟 (299)
清宫藏传佛教文物与乾隆帝的宗教心态…………………………………………………………………………………………孔令伟 (328)
摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(342)
Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University
Institute for the Study of Tibetan Buddhist Heritage, the Palace Museum
2. Discovery and Study on Prehistoric Wheat and Barley Utilization on the Tibetan Plateau /34
Gao Yuanyuan
3. A Study of the Epitaph of Yuan Shi: Issues Related to Tubo Entering Yunnan /53
Chen Mingdi, Lu Li
4. A Study of Tibetan Council System in Tubo Dynasty /65
Zhang Xu
5. The Sculptures in Pāla Style and the Steles from Rgyal Lha khang in Central Tibet /81
Shawo Khacham
6. A Preliminary Study of Newly Found Tibetan Buddhist Stone Carvings in the Tombs of the Ming Dynasty in Chengdu /100
Suo Dehao, Wang Mengyu, Zuo Zhiqiang
7. Establishing an Iconography — The Case of Early Tibetan Representations of the Medicine Buddhas /119
Christian Luczanits
Chen Ping-Yang
9. Research on the Architectural Evolution and Artistic Style of Chos rgyal Grub Phug in the Potala
Palace /175
Dorje Puntshog
10. Some Thoughts on the Links between the Potala Palace and the Chi'u Style /192
Paldan Tshering
11. Preliminary Remarks on the Buddha Sculptures of the Kha?a Kingdom in Western Nepal /215
Amy Heller
Yury Khokhlov, Yannick Laurent
J?rg Heimbel
14. The Pantheon of Dharma Protectors in Tibetan Buddhism Exemplified by the Corridor Murals in Gnas chung Monatery /299
Chang Kun-Chen
15. Tibetan Buddhist Material Culture in the Qing Court and the Religious Mentalities of the Qianlong
Emperor /328
Kung Ling-Wei
16. ABSTRACTS /342