藏彝走廊地区的石棺葬及相关人群系统研究 ……………………石硕(1)
西藏带柄铜镜补论 ………………………………………………吕红亮(33)
西藏列山墓地相关问题的再探讨 …………………………………霍巍(46)
有关藏文史料nam“难磨”的记载补正 …………………………杨铭(61)
再论吐蕃制度与突厥的关系 ……………………………陆离 陆庆夫(69)
关于榆林窟第25窟营建时代的几个问题 ……………………沙武田(79)
Some Remarks on the Meeting and Use of the Tibetan Word bam po
……………………………………………Leonard W.J.van der Kuijp(114)
小议藏文中bam po一词的意义和用法 ………范康德著 刘翠兰译(133)
《律经》的结构 …………………………………………………罗鸿(150)
清代以前西藏司法特征略论 ……………………………………袁剑(174)
清代至民国时期康区的汉藏通婚研究 ………………………邹立波(198)
民国时期汉藏佛教文化交流及其意义 ………………………周伟洲(208)
民初蒙藏边疆“自治”:“自治地方”或“自治国” ……冯建勇(221)
西藏与中亚及新疆历史关系分析………………………冉光荣 徐君(229)
十忿怒尊图像考察 ………………………………森雅秀著 张雅静译(258)
…………………………………德波拉·金伯格-萨特著 贾玉平译(275)
敦煌莫高窟和榆林窟中的T形题记框 ………今枝由郎著 张长虹译(286)
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………………(291)
1. A Systematic Study of the Sarcophagus Tombs in Tibet-Yi Corridor Areas and Its Related Clans /1
Shi Shuo
2. A Research Note of the Bronze Handle-mirror of Tibet /33
Lü Hongliang
3. A Rediscussion of Some Issues Related to the Sleb ri Tombs in Tibet /46
Huo Wei
4. Commentaries on the Records of nam in the Related Tibetan Historical Materials /61
Yang Ming
5. A Second Study on the Relation between Tubo Institutions and the Turkic State /69
Lu Li, Lu Qingfu
6. Some Issues on the Date of the Construction of Yulin Cave 25 /79
Sha Wutian
7. A Comprehensive Study of the Diexie Belt /105
Ma Dong
8. Some Remarks on the Meaning and Use of the Tibetan Word bam po*/114
Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
9. Some Remarks on the Meaning and Use of the Tibetan Word bam po /133
Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, translated by Liu Cuilan
10. The Structure of the Vinayasutra /150
Luo Hong
11. A Brief Discussion of Tibet’s Judicature before the Qing Dynasty /174
Yuan Jian
11. On the Classification Titles, Evolution of the People Group in the Area of the Tibet-Yi Corridor from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China — A Focus on the Records of Chinese Historical Literature /183
Chen Dong
12. A Study of Sino-Tibetan Intermarriage in Khams from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China /198
Zou Libo
13. Buddhist Cultural Communication between Han and Tibetan during the Republic of China and Its Significance /208
Zhou Weizhou
14. The “Autonomy” of Outer Mongolia and Tibet during the Early Years of the Republic of China: “Autonomous Region” or “Autonomous State” /221
Feng Jianyong
15. An Analysis of the Historical Relation between Tibet, Central Asia, and Xinjiang /229
Ran Guangrong, Xu Jun
16. Diffuse Boundary: Ethnography on a Tibetan Buddhist Temple /235
Shi Tian
17. The Values and Measures to Protect and Utilize the Tibetan-Qiang Cultural Ecology in the A Ba
Region /248
Zhuang Chunhui
18. An Examination of the Images of the Ten Fierce Deities /258
Mori Masahide, translated by Zhang Yajing
19. The Gilgit Manuscript Covers and the “Cult of the Book” /275
Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter, translated by Jia Yuping
20. T-shaped Inscription Frames in Magao (Dunhuang) and Yulin Caves /286
Yoshiro Imeda, translated by Zhang Changhong