
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库

Journal of Tibetology

【 2022-03-07 10:35:05 】 【 来源:656娱乐 】






东千佛洞第二窟十一面救八难观音图像研究 ………………:旌欤30

夏鲁寺甘珠尔殿阿閦佛九尊坛城考 …………………………王传播(51


………………………………………………熊文彬 孜强·边巴旺堆(72

笃补巴祖师唐卡释读 …………………………………………王怡潇(90





民国时期汉藏边境上作为文化中介人的商人(英文) ……玉珠措姆(177

严重依赖外商的近代西藏阿里外贸业…………………刘复生 黄博(211






…………………………………………………………李中锋 吴昊(264

摘要  ………………………………………………………………(275


1. A Re-examine of the Yi ge and Dpa' mtshan drug System of the Tubo DynastyA Study of the Old Tibetan Document Or.15000/268 in the British Library /1                           

Lu Li

2. A Study of the Newly Discovered Wall Painting of “The Btsanpo Listening to the Teaching” in Mogao

Cave 9A Discussion of the Ethnic Identity of its Main Donors /14

Wei Jianpeng

3. A Study of the Images of the “Eleven-faced ?rya Avalokite?vara Who Protects from the Eight Perils” in Dongqianfo Cave 2 /30

Chang Honghong

4. A Study of 9-Deity Ak?obhya Ma??ala in Kanjur Chapel of Zhwa lu Monastery /51                     

Wang Chuanbo

5. A Preliminary Study on the Style and its Identification of Wall Painting in the Gtsug lag khang Temple, Phun tshogs gling Monastery, Lha rtse County, TAR /72

Xiong Wenbin, Tsechang Penba Wangdu

6. A Thangka of Dol po pa of the Jonang School /90

Wang Yixiao

7. Reconsidering the Dates of Dol po pa Shes rab rgyal mtshan’s (1292-1361) Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho and the Bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i don* /115

Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp

8. Book Production on a Historic Transhimalayan Route: the Deeds of the First Bsam sdings Rdo rje Phag

mo* /160

Hildegard Diemberger

9. Traders as Cultural Brokers on the Sino-Tibetan Borderland during the Republican Period* /177

Yudru Tsomu

10. The Dependency on Foreign Merchants in the Modern Foreign Trade Industry of Mnga' ris /211

Liu Fusheng, Huang Bo

11. From Directional Verb to Evidential Marker: On the Grammaticalization of the Evidential Marker ?? in Tibetic Languages /226

Shao Mingyuan

12. A Brief Investigation of the History of Daan Tibetan Spoken in Yongsheng, Lijiang: How it Developed through a Contact with Naxi people /250                        

Hiroyuki Suzuki

13. A Study of the Status Quo and the Improvement of Tibetan Farmers’ and Herdsmen’s Engineering Construction ParticipationBased on a Field Survey of three Construction Projects in TAR /264

Li Zhongfeng, Wu Hao

14. Abstracts /275

