
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库

Journal of Tibetology

【 2022-03-07 10:40:24 】 【 来源:656娱乐 】


大渡河上游石棺葬调查简报……………………………………656娱乐考古学系、四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州文物管理所 (1)


青海省治多县普卡贡玛石棺墓发掘简报………………青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐考古学系、成都文物考古研究所 (24)


2012 年青海省玉树州治多县登额曲岩画群调查简报……青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐考古学系、成都文物考古研究所 (41)


青海玉树勒巴沟古秀泽玛佛教摩崖造像调查简报…………………………青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐 (63)


青海玉树勒巴沟吾娜桑嘎佛教摩崖石刻调查简报……青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐、656娱乐考古学系 (95)


青海玉树勒巴沟恰冈佛教摩崖造像调查简报………………………………青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐 (148)


青海称多县歇武镇格日村宋代佛教摩崖石刻考古调查简报………………青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐 (164)


一将功成万骨枯——芝加哥菲尔德博物馆藏《石堡战楼颂碑》调查………………………………………………………林梅村 (183)

青海都兰吐蕃墓出土文物追记……………………………………………………………………………………………………霍川 (202)

2015 年西藏山南琼结河流域考古调查简报




………………656娱乐、656娱乐考古学系、西藏自治区昌都芒康县文物局、西藏自治区昌都芒康县旅游局 (233)


西藏西部阿里卡尔东遗址 2013 年试掘出土动物遗存鉴定与分析……………………………………………………张正为 吕红亮 (252)

西藏那曲布塔雄曲青铜时代石室墓出土人骨研究………………………………………原海兵 索朗·秋吉尼玛 吕红亮 夏格旺堆 (273)

藏东吐蕃摩崖造像与唐蕃交流视野下的剑南益州 ………………………………………………………………………………霍巍 (301)

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (314)


1. A Preliminary Archaeological Survey Report on the Cist Burials in the Upper Rgyal mo rngul chu

River /1

Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University  

Rnga ba Cultural Heritage Administration, Sichuan Province

2. Report on the Excavation of the Cist Burials at the Pukar Gongma Site, 'Bri stod County, Qinghai

Province /24

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Department of Archeology, Sichuan University

Chengdu Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

3. Report on the Investigation of Deng nge chu Petroglyphs in 'Bri stod County of Yul shul, Qinghai

Province /41

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Department of Archeology, Sichuan University

Chengdu Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

4. An Archaeological Survey Report of the Sku gzugs byon pa Buddhist Rock Carvings in the Leb 'khog Valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province /63

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University

5. An Archaeological Survey Report of the Dbus nag byon pa Buddhist Rock Carvings in the Leb 'khog valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province /95

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center of Tibetan Studies, Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

6. Archaeological Survey Report of Chab 'gag Buddhist Rock Carvings in the Leb 'khog Valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province /148

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University

7. A Brief Archaeological Survey Report on the Song Dynasty Rock Carvings in Geri of Yul shul, Qinghai Province /164

Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University

8. A Study of the Tang Sandstone Pillar with a Chinese Inscription that is Housed in the Field Museum of Chicago /183

Lin Meicun

9. Tracing the Cultural Relics Unearthed from the Tombs of the Tubo Period in Tulan, Qinghai

Province /202

Huo Chuan

10. An Archaeological Survey Report of Work Done in 2015 in the 'Phyongs rgyas River Valley in Lho kha, Tibet /220

Center of Tibetan Studies, Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation and Research, TAR

Lhokha Cultural Heritage Administration, TAR

11. Archaeological Report on the Newly Discovered Tubo Dynasty Rock Sculptures in the Town of Sgar thog in Smar khams County, Tibet /233

Center of Tibetan Studies, Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University

Smar khams Cultural Heritage Administration, Tourism Administration, TAR

12. Identification and Analysis of Faunal Remains from Dkar dung Site of Mnga' ris, West Tibet /252

Zhang Zhengwei, Lü Hongliang

13. Research on the Human Skeletons from a Prehistoric Cist Burial in Amdo County of Nag chu, Northern Tibet /273

Yuan Haibing, Bsod nams chos ki nyi ma, Lü Hongliang, Shargan Wangdue

14. Rock Reliefs in East Tibet and Yizhou in the Context of Cultural Exchanges between Tang and

Tubo /301

Huo Wei

15. Abstracts /314

