瓜州榆林窟第 15 窟吐蕃装唐装组合供养伎乐考?……………沙武田 (1)
新发现的《班丹扎释偈挽碑》及相关问题研究?………………董华锋 (17)
………………………………………………………………………丁一 (25)
宣文辅治 :元朝统一西藏前后阿里地区的政教关系研究………黄博 (55)
………………………………………………………………………董晓荣 (75)
从“??????”(汉)一词看清代藏文文献中的“满”、“汉”观念…罗宏 (92)
清朝川藏地方藏语文译员职缺设置考 ………………………石岩刚 (106)
民国时期绰斯甲地区的隶属之争 ………………………………阎翠 (115)
……………………………………………………唐邵宇 嘎尓让 叶亭 (128)
新见西藏江达朗贡巴草场确权文告的释读与研究……余小洪 于丽萍 (139)
“人、物、神”:巴塘藏戏的地方性与超地方性 …………翟淑平 (151)
白马藏族音乐研究述评 :1980—2015…………………………杨扬 (166)
1. The Pilgrim-Performers in Tibetan-Tang style Costumes in the Yulin Cave 15 in Guazhou,
Sha Wutian
2. A Study of the Newly Discovered Stele with an Elegiac Couplet that was Written by Dpal ldan bkra shis
and Related Issues /17
Dong Huafeng
Ding Yi
Huang Bo
5. Observations about the Mongol Guan Gong Belief on the basis of the Illustrations of the Peking Xylograph of “The Biography of Holy Lord Geser Khan of the Ten Directions” /75
Dong Xiaorong
6. Rgya nag and Ethnic Conceptions of Manchu and Han in the Tibetan Literature of the Qing Dynasty /92
Luo Hong
7. Notes on the Establishment of the Position of Tibetan Translators in Sichuan and Tibet by the Qing
Dynasty /106
Shi Yangang
8. The Dispute over the Jurisdiction of Khro skyabs during the Republican Period /115
Yan Cui
9. Tibetan Cultural Interpretation of the “Rat Disaster” in the Pastoral Area of the Tibet Plateau: The Demonization and Sanctification of Rodents /128
Tang Shaoyu, Gaerrang, Emily Yeh
10. Interpretation and Analysis on a Newly Discovered Document of Right Confirmation Proclamation of the Meadow belonged to Glang Temple in 'Jo mda' County, Tibet /139
Yu Xiaohong, Yu Liping
11. “Humans, Things, Divinities”: The Local and Trans-local Characteristics of Tibetan Opera in
Batang /151
Zhai Shuping
12. A Review of Studies on the Music of the Baima in Recent 35 Years (1980-2015) /166
Yang Yang
13. Abstracts /178