西藏阿里札达县玛朗墓葬调查简报 ………………… 656娱乐考古文博学院 西藏自治区文物保护研究所 札达县文物局 / 1
四川马尔康市丹达伦寺壁画的初步调查 ………………………………………… 四川阿坝藏族羌族自治州文物考古研究所 / 18
丝绸之路和唐蕃古道上的《金光明最胜王经》及其经变?…………………………………… 张延清(华青道尔杰) 张大利 / 46
法藏敦煌藏文?P.t.0542《大般涅槃经》及其所据汉文母本探究 …………………………………………………… 唐露恬 / 73
敦煌藏经洞出土藏文《维摩诘经》抄本探析 …………………………………………………………………………… 魏健鹏 / 85
梵藏佛典翻译中的前缀——以《语合二卷》为例 …………………………………………………………………… 李晓楠 / 120
跨文化背景下尼泊尔离车碑铭的历史价值?:过去、现在与未来(英文) ……………………………阿阇黎·启昼 明霓 / 138
西藏日土丁穹拉康石窟恶趣清净曼荼罗研究 …………………………………………………………………………… 卢素文 / 164
取舍之道?:从夏鲁寺早期壁画看后弘初期西藏多元艺术元素的交融与重构 ……………………………………… 杨鸿蛟 / 187
西藏甘丹彭措林寺大经堂“了义经”壁画研究——兼论壁画的题材与风格 ………………………………………… 闫雪 / 214
甘肃红城感恩寺大雄宝殿平棋曼荼罗考述 …………………………………………………………………… 杨旦春 姜宇钦 / 254
《诸佛事略图说附彩绘佛像》——乾隆皇帝的本生画传…………………………………………………………… 李若愚 / 273
六臂大黑天教法源流考 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 米玛次仁 / 302
论格鲁派在古格地区的发展及弘传 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 黄博 / 318
清代西藏八思巴字印章初探 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 朱德涛 / 335
清代北京版《四部医典》研究——“两系六刻”版本特征及时序考 ……………………………………… 海春生 刘英华 / 357
解析却英多吉笔下的察哈尔 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 郎加 / 382
1934年黎丹及巡礼团入藏路线考——解读黎丹巡礼途中诗 …………………………………………………………… 许月 / 399
猛种堡子瞻佛仪式与木雅苯教文化 ………………………………………………………………………… 青姆 先巴才让 / 418
2020年青藏高原考古与艺术前沿报告 ………………………………………………………………………………… 祝铭 / 434
从东北到西南:明清时期半月形地带的区域、族群与社会 ——中国民族史学会第七届青年学者论坛述评 …… 曾黎 邹立波 / 451
摘 要 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… / 458
A Brief Report on the Archaeological Investigation of the Malang Tomb in Tsada County, TAR /1
School of Archaeology and Museology, Sichuan University Institute for Conservation and Research of Cultural Relics, TAR Administration of Cultural Relics of Tsada County, Ngari Prefecture, TAR
A Survey of the Murals in the Tandaling Monastery in Barkham of Sichuan /18
Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of the Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
The Spread of the Golden Light Sutra and Murals along the Silk Road and the Tang-Bod Ancient Route /46
Zhang Yanqing & Zhang Dali
A Study of the P.t.0542 Mahāparinirvā?asūtra and its Chinese Counterpart /73
Tang Lutian
A Study of the Copies of the Tibetan Vimalakīrtisūtra Found in the Library Cave of Dunhuang /85
Wei Jianpeng
The Prefixes in Sanskrit-Tibetan Buddhist Translation — A Case Study of Sgra sbyor bam po gnyis pa /120
Li Xiaonan
Diwakar Acharya & Nina Mirnig
Lu Suwen
The Art of Selection: The Early Mural Paintings of Zhwa lu Monastery and the Integration and Reconstruction of Multiple Artistic Elements in Tibet duringthe Early Phyi dar Period /187
Yang Hongjiao
A Further Study of the Murals in Gtsug lag khang of Dga' ldan phun tshogs gling Monastery in Tibet: With a Discussion of their Iconography and Style /214
Yan Xue
A Study of the Ma??alas on the Ceiling of the Main Hall of Gan'en Temple in Hongcheng, Gansu Province /254
Yang Danchun & Jiang Yuqin
Li Ruoyu
On the Origin of the Textual Cycle of the Six-armed Mahākāla Dharmapāla /302
Migmar Tsering
On the Development and Spread of the Gelugpa School in the Guge Area /318
Huang Bo
A Preliminary Study of the Seal with the 'Phags pa Script in Tibet during the Qing Dynasty /335
Zhu Detao
Hai Chunsheng & Liu Yinghua
Chahar in the Autobiography of Chos dbyings rdo rje /382
Lang jia (Rnam rgyal)
The Route Taken to Tibet in 1934 by Li Dan's Group of Pilgrims — An Interpretation of Li Dan's Poems on the Way to Tibet /399
Xu Yue
The Ceremony of “Seeing the Buddha” in Mengzhongpuzi and the Bon Culture of Muya, Sichuan /418
Chenmo & Champa tsering
A Review of Research Done on the Archaeology and Art of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in 2020 /434
Zhu Ming
Zeng Li & Zou Libo