《转法轮经》诸本源流考 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 萨尔吉 / 1
窥斑见豹:出土碑志所见开元中期唐蕃之战的几处细节 ……………………………………………………………………… 魏迎春 马振颖 / 18
召弘安墓志与唐九征南征——兼论唐中宗时期的唐蕃关系……………………………………………………………………… 苑恩达 陆离 / 44
哥舒翰收复石堡城原因探赜 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 李学东 / 58
恩兰·达扎禄恭职官考 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 张旭 :煜 / 76
略论伏藏文本《密咒教授库藏》对中观的分类 ………………………………………………………………………………… 杨杰 / 90
止贡赞普与苯教伏藏叙事传统的形成——以14世纪嘎顿《伏藏史》为中心 ………………………………………………… 闹九次力 / 108
从娘热·尼玛沃色所掘《八教善逝集》来看早期《四普巴续》及其与远传法…………………………………………………… 凯西·坎特维尔 / 128
以药为经 :医药伏藏中的炼金术与藏地的佛教医学(英文) ………………………………………………………………… 麦伟哲 / 160
《五部遗教》与《邬坚巴传》之间的文本关联:兼论伏藏文本的知识更新 ………………………………………………… 孙鹏浩 / 184
拉尊南卡吉美伏藏法系对哲孟雄南嘉王朝初期宗教格局的影响 ……………………………………………………………… 许渊钦 / 199
禁忌与认同:宁玛派伏藏文献于蒙古的传播(1607-1738年) ……………………………………………………………… 格格其 / 216
叙事生活世界 :《格萨尔王传·地狱救母》与伏藏的社会功能(英文)……………………………………………………… 娜塔莎·麦克斯 / 230
“青藏高原东部研究暨玉树历史遗迹学术论坛”述评 ………………………………………………………………………… 祝铭 / 249
摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… / 269
Notes on the Transmission of the Dharmacakrapravartanasūtra and Related Texts /1
A Glimpse of the Battle between Tang and Tubo in the Middle Kaiyuan Period: Details from the Excavated Epitaphs/18
Wei Yingchun and Ma Zhenying
Yuan Enda and Lu Li
An Exploration of the Reasons of Geshu Han's Recapture of Shibaocheng/58
Li Xuedong
Zhang Xu and Zheng Hongxiang
A Brief Discussion of the Classification of Madhyamaka Tenets in the Treasure TextTitled Gsang sngags lung gi bang mdzod/90
Yang Jie
Gri gum btsan po and the Bon Treasure Historical Narrative: An Analysis of Sgaston's (14th C.) History of Bon Treasure/108
Naljor Tsering
Cathy Cantwell
Reading Medicine as Scripture: The Narratives of Medical Treasures and Buddhist Medicine in Tibet/160
William A. McGrath
U rgyan pa Rin chen dpal's Speech as a Source of the Blon po bka' thang/184
Sun Penghao
Xu Yuanqin
Prohibition and Recognition: Dissemination of the Gter ma Literature of the Nying ma School in Mongolia (1607-1738)/216
Giigch Borjigin
Narrative Lifeworlds, the Dmyal gling rdzogs pa chen po, and Gter ma's Social Function/230
Natasha L. Mikles
A Review of the Symposium on the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Cultural/249
Heritage of Yushu Zhu Ming