邹立波 Associate Prof. Zou Libo
Personal profile
? ? ? 邹立波,副教授,硕士生导师。以历史学实证研究见长,长期从事康藏史、西南民族史领域的研究,目前主要关注嘉绒藏族宗教史及近代康区商业问题,已出版有关青藏高原碉楼,藏彝走廊及汉藏关系研究合著 3 部,发表 30 余篇学术论文,代表论文内容集中在嘉绒藏族土司关系、康区汉藏民间互动交流、明清时期西南边疆学术研究反思等议题。其著作曾获教育部人文社科优秀成果一等奖及四川省哲学社科成果一、二等奖共 4 项。
Dr. Zou specializes in Tibetan history, especially the history of East Tibet. In recent years he has been focusing on the study of chieftains (tusi) in the Gyelrong region and Sino-Tibetan trade in Kham from the Ming and Qing dynasties through the Republican period. He also serves as the primary investigator for “The Relationship between Gyelrong and Inland China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties through the Republic of China,” a research project that has been sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation. Dr. Zou has published several monographs such as A Study of Relationships Among Gyelrong Tibetan Chieftains during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (2017); Research on the Stone Towers on the Tibetan Plateau (coauthored with Shi Shuo and Yang Jiaming, 2012); Blending and Interaction: Nationalities, History, and Culture in Tibetan-Yi Corridor (coauthored with Shi Shuo and Li Jin, 2013); The Cultural Elements of the Central Plain in Ancient Tibetan Civilization (coauthored with Shi Shuo and Huang Bo, 2016). Having published over thirty papers in authoritative core periodicals, he has been recognized with the awarding of four provincial- and ministerial-level first and second prizes.