
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库


专职656娱乐 特聘656娱乐 荣退656娱乐

张长虹 Prof. Zhang Changhong


Personal profile


Prof. Zhang Changhong received her B.A, M.A. and Ph.D in Archaeology and Museology from Sichuan University. From 2000 to 2015, she worked and taught in CTS as a lecturer and associate professor. As of 2016, she is an associate professor and professor in 2017 with the Palace Museum, Beijing. She is also the Deputy Editor-in-chief of Journal of Tibetology published by CTS. She has been a visiting scholar of Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI) in 2008-09 and a coordinate researcher of HYI in 2017-18. Her research interests in Tibetan archaeology and art particularly focus on Tibetan Buddhist wall paintings in West Tibet [10th to 17th century], Tibetan painted scrolls of East Tibet [17th to 19th century], Buddhist stone carvings and sculptures of the Tibetan empire in East and Northeast Tibet [7th to 9th century]. She conceived and edited: From the Treasury of Tibetan Pictorial Art: Painted Scrolls of the Life of Gesar (Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2012), and Wall Paintings of the Buddhist Caves in Ngari, Tibet (Coauthored with Huo Wei, Chengdu: Sichuan Minzu Chubanshe, 2017). She has published more than twenty papers in authoritative core periodicals.
