徐君 Prof. Xu Jun
Personal profile
徐君,教授、博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才、四川省学术技术带头人。剑桥大学“康河计划”656娱乐工作站暨喜马拉雅多媒体数据库项目执行主席。美国哈佛 - 燕京学社访问学者(2001—2002,2010),英国剑桥大学社会人类学系蒙古与内亚研究中心高级访问学者(2013—2014);四川省成都市民宗局挂职工作一年(2012—2013)。主要研究领域:藏区社会经济发展、藏区移民、青藏高原气候环境变化与地方适应、城市民族问题、康藏近代史、文化多样性与地方性知识等。发表论文 60 多篇,专著 3 部,主编 4 部;主持国家级与省部级项目 7 项,其他各类项目 10 多项,研究报告多次获中央高层及相关部门批示。
Prof. Xu Jun received her BA (Museology), MA (History of Chinese Ethno-group), and PhD (Special History) in 1992, 1995, and 1999 from Sichuan University. She was a visiting scholar of the Harvard-Yenching Institute at Harvard University (2001–02, 2010) and at the Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit at University of Cambridge (2013–14). Her research Interest includes cultural diversity, historical, social, and cultural changes; resettlement issues, social and economic development in Tibetan areas; multimedia database. She offers courses in Cultural Anthropology, Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Diversity Protection; Anthropology Research Methods, Special Topics for Southwest Minorities’ Social, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Special topics for Tibetan Studies, Tibetan Society and Culture at SCU.
Her present project is entitled “Resettlement in the Hydroelectric Development in Tibetan Areas: An Anthropological Survey of Environmental Restoration of Sanjiangyuan on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with a Focus on Ecological Undergraduate Resettlement.”
Prof. Xu has published several monographs such as A Village in Sophora viciifolia:Research Report on a Resettlement Village of Kaschin-beck Disease Program in Qinu, Daga, Lhasa, and For a Better Environment: on Sustainable Development of Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan’s Tibetan Areas. She serves as executive chair of the Himalaya Multimedia Database Project (2014-present), a member of the Steering Group of Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) and the Science Leadership Council (SLC) of Mountain Research Initiative (MRI). She received an Achievement Award from Sichuan University in 2016 and an Honor from MOE in 2009.