
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库


专职656娱乐 特聘656娱乐 荣退656娱乐

霍巍 Prof. Huo Wei


Personal profile

霍。,656娱乐杰出教授,博士生导师。研究领域为中国汉唐考古、美术考古、西藏考古、文物学与艺术史、中外文化交流等。长年从事边疆考古、汉唐考古、西南地区(含西藏)为中心的田野考古与综合研究,具有丰富的田野考古经验及综合研究能力。先后出版有《青藏高原考古研究《考古发现与西藏文明史·第一卷:史前时代》《吐蕃时代:考古新发现及其研究》《西藏西部佛教文明》《西藏古代墓葬制度史》等学术专著,在中外权威及核心学术刊物发表论文 200 余篇,研究成果曾获得省部级一、二、三等奖项共计 10 余项,并入选国家哲学社会科学成果文库;为国家社科基金重大招标项目“文物考古中西藏与中原关系资料的整理与研究”首席专家。

Prof. Huo specializes in the archaeology of Han and Tang periods in China, archaeology of art, archaeology of Tibet, cultural heritage studies and art history, cultural exchanges between China and the world, etc. Having engaged in archaeological field surveys and comprehensive research focusing on the southwestern region of China, Prof. Huo has a rich experience in carrying out archaeological field surveys and has an outstanding capability to carry out comprehensive research. Prof. Huo has published several monographs such as Archaeological Discoveries and History of Tibetan Civilization: Vol. 1, the Pre-historical Period; The Tubo Period: New Archaeological Discoveries and Studies; The Buddhist Civilization in Western Tibet. Having published over 200 papers in authoritative Chinese and foreign core periodicals, he has won over ten provincial and ministerial-level first-, second-, and third-prize awards for his research achievements. His work was selected to be included in the National Achievements Library of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Series. He is also the chief expert for the key public bidding project entitled “Compilation and Study of Materials Concerning the Relationship Between Tibet and China in Cultural Relics and Archaeology” sponsored by the National Social Sciences Foundation.
