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玉珠措姆 Prof. Yudru Tsomu


Personal profile

? ? ? 玉珠措姆,藏族,研究员,硕士生导师。哈佛大学藏族史与中国历史专业博士毕业。研究领域是康藏史、康藏社会研究以及汉藏边境的文化互动与交融。目前主要从事题为《迁移、定居与社区的形成:康区的汉族移民》的研究,该课题获得了美国哲学学会富兰克林研究基金、蒋经国国际学术交流基金会提供的青年学者研究基金以及美国学术团体协会授予的美国在中国进行的人文学科研究基金项目奖。专著《瞻对的“独眼龙”勇士:工布朗吉在康区的兴起》(英文版)于 2014 年由美国列克星敦出版社出版。主要代表作包括发表在《现代中国》上的《驯服康巴人:民国时期有关康区的著作对康区的构建》(英文版)以及发表在《西藏研究杂志》)上的《英雄还是恶棍——论史学家对工布朗吉的形象构建》(英文版)等。

Dr. Tsomu received her PhD in 2006 from Harvard University in the field of Tibetan studies. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University in 2007. In 2013 she joined CTS as an associate professor. Her research interests include Tibetan history, in particular the history of Kham and the study of Tibetan society in Kham as well as cultural interaction and blending in the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. At SCU, she teaches courses such as “Selected Readings of Famous Western Tibetan Studies Works”, “Elementary Colloquial Tibetan”, “Intermediate Colloquial Tibetan”, and “Classical Tibetan”. Her present project, “Eastern Tibet in the Eyes of Chinese Intellectuals during the Republican Period”, is funded by the American Council of Learned Society. Her monograph Blind Warrior of Nyarong: The Rise of G?npo Namgyel in Kham was published by the Lexington Books in 2015. She has also published articles in English and Chinese, including “Constructing Images of Mgon po rnam rygal: a Hero or a Villain?” in Revue d’ ?tudes Tibétaines 2012; “Taming the Khampas: The Republican Construction of Eastern Tibet,” in Modern China, 2012; “An Analysis into the Ascendancy of G?npo Namgyel in Chakdü (Nyarong),” in China Tibetology, 2014; “The Impact of the Incident of Chakdü (Nyarong) G?npo Namgyel on the Sino-Tibetan Relations in the Late Qing Period,” in China Tibetology, 2015; “Guozhuang Trading Houses and Tibetan Middlemen in Dartsedo, the ‘Shanghai of Tibet,’” in Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 2016.
