藏东地区大日如来与八大菩萨图像研究……………卢素文 达哇彭措(1)
…………………………………………安德鲁·昆特曼 科蒂斯·谢夫(32)
明代藏传佛教度牒制度探微 ……………………………………阴海燕(83)
康区“白利土司”考 …………………………………………李志英(107)
清代早期西藏方志中的“康”及有关记载特点 ………………赵心愚(123)
……………………………………………武内绍人著 杨铭 杨公卫译(269)
摘要 …………………………………………………………………(283)
1. A Study of Vairocana with Eight Bodhisattva Images Discovered in East Tibet /1
Lu Suwen, Dawa Phuntsok
Andrew Quintman and Kurtis R. Schaeffer
3. An Additional Discussion of the Wall Painting of Sudhana’s Pilgrimage in Qutan Monastery and the Issues Related to the Sino-Tibetan Cultural Exchange /74
Dong Huafeng
4. An Inquiry into the dudie Certificate for Tibetan Buddhist Monks during the Ming Dynasty /83
Yin Haiyan
5. A Preliminary Study of the Geographical Concept of Rgyalrong and Its Evolution during the Ming and Qing Dynasties /96
Zou Libo
6. A Textual Study of the Beri Tusi/107
Li Zhiying
7. “Kang” in Gazetteers of Tibet in the Early Period of the Qing Dynasty and the Characteristics of the Accounts /123
Zhao Xinyu
8. On Jin Chuan’s Strategic Position and Its Connection with Central Tibet and Inland China Based on the Archives of the Qing Dynasty /138
Wang Huimin
9. A Study of Monasteries and Urban Development of Tibet in the Qing Period /151
Wang Zhaolei
10. A Study of the Sound of Chanting Rituals in the Assembly of the Dga' ldan lnga mchod at Gandan monastery, Lhasa /163
Wang Yingjie
11. Making Areas and Patterning Diversity on the Tibetan Plateau: Meshworks, Hierarchies, and
Catalysts* /200
Gerald Roche
12. Gender Differences of People’s Daily Life in Central Tibet’s Rural Area: A Case Study of Xia
Village /230
Tan Siying
13. A. H. Francke and the Initiation of Archaeology in Western Tibet /245
Yang Qingfan
14. Issues Regarding Old Tibetan Contracts from Dunhuang and Xinjiang /269
Tsuguhito Takeuchi, translated by Yang Ming, Yang Gongwei
15. Abstracts /283