《藏学学刊》(???????????????????? Journal of Tibetology)系中国教育部普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地656娱乐主办的藏学类专业性学术刊物,CSSCI来源集刊,创刊于2004年,旨在搭建藏学研究的学术交流平台。从2014年开始,本刊由年刊改为半年刊,接受中、英文稿件,设有论文、书评、译文等栏目,热忱欢迎国内外藏学研究者惠赐稿件。来稿时请注意以下事项:
1. 来稿请注明字数并提供作者简介,包括姓名、出生年月、性别、民族、籍贯、职称、学位、工作单位、联系方式和主要研究方向等,其中姓名和工作单位名称请提供正确的英文译名。
2. 来稿必须为原创性作品,此前未经公开发表。严禁抄袭、剽窃和一稿多投,如有发现,将永不刊用该作者来稿。
3. 为保证文稿的准确性,电子版来稿须同时提供word和pdf两种文档格式并遵循本刊用稿规范(详见下文)。来稿字数不限,提倡言简意赅,以一万字左右为宜。
4. 本刊取舍稿件惟以学术为标尺,并实行2-3名专家匿名审稿制度,根据专家审稿意见决定稿件取舍。本刊在尊重原作的前提下,有权对拟刊用稿件作必要的删改并告知作者,作者如果不同意对文稿作文字性修改或适当删节,请在来稿时予以说明。
5. 本刊所刊文章均为作者个人观点,不代表编辑部意见,文责由作者自负。
6. 本刊已加入期刊数字化网络系统,作者若无此意愿,请在来稿时注明,否则视为默许。
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9. 本刊热诚欢迎国内外学者或编辑部与本刊建立资料互赠交流关系。
地 址:中国四川省成都市望江路29号
邮 编:610064
电话/传真:+86-28-8541 2567
Founded in 2004, the Journal of Tibetology (???????????????????? 藏学学刊) is a peer-reviewed bilingual scholarly journal dedicated to publishing papers in the field of Tibetan Studies. Featuring articles and reviews in either Chinese or English, the journal is published biannually by the Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University, Chengdu, PRC. The Journal of Tibetology welcomes the submission of academic and unpublished (and original) work, including the Chinese translation of foreign research and serious, critical reviews of books or review articles, in any area of research that deals with the Tibetan cultural area.
Essential Guidelines:
1. The manuscript should contain information on the total number of words/characters and author's details, including the following information: (1) full name and institutional affiliation; (2) academic title; (3) contact information, (4) the primary field of research.
2. The Journal of Tibetology has a zero-tolerance plagiarism policy.
3. Essays and reviews should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word file and PDF format, using Unicode, to zangxuexuekan@163.com and conform to the style sheet of the Journal of Tibetology that is found below. If this is not done, they will automatically be not considered for publication. There is no limit on the length of the manuscript, but we strongly encourage the manuscript to be concise with approximately 10,000 words in English or Chinese.
4. The Journal of Tibetology uses a double-blind review process. Each manuscript is sent to two or three referees for double-blind peer review. Based on their recommendations, the editor then decides whether the manuscript will be accepted as is, whether it needs to be revised, or whether it will be rejected.
5. The views and opinions expressed in the articles and reviews are those of the author alone and do not reflect the views or opinions of the editor(s) or the editorial board. The author is responsible for his/her own views.
6. The journal is already part of the digital network of Chinese journals. If any author does not want to have his or her article published online, please note this upon submitting the manuscript. Otherwise, the editor will take it as tacitly granting permission to do so.
7. The manuscript should be directly submitted to the editor. If one has not received a notice of acceptance for publication within three months since the day the manuscript was submitted, it is within one’s discretion to submit the manuscript elsewhere for publication. Excepting the originals of maps, charts or photographs the editor will not return the manuscript to the author.
8. The journal will pay remuneration to the author and send five copies of the issue of the journal in which his or her article appears.
9. Scholars or editorial boards in China and abroad are warmly welcomed to establish a growing network of exchanging copies of journals with the editor of the Journal of Tibetology.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Ms. Sun Zhaoliang
Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University
Chengdu, 610064
Sichuan Province
Email : zangxuexuekan@163.com
Tel/Fax: +86-28-8541 2567
1. 文章须提供五百字以内的中、英文摘要和中、英文篇名。摘要应体现文章的实质性内容和观点,扼要反映文章的主要信息,避免流于空泛;书评、译文请加附所评论著或原著之复印件。译文请提供原作者或版权所有方的授权翻译证明。
2. 正文中注释一律采用脚注,连续编号,注释号码用阿拉伯数字1、2、3······其位置放在标点符号前(引号除外)的右上角。若多次引用同一论著,第二次及以后引用时可省略出版社信息,不使用“同注×”和合并注释的形式。脚注的格式为:
(1) 著作:作者:书名,出版地:出版社,出版时间:页码。如:王森:《西藏佛教发展史略》,北京:中国藏学出版社,2010:33。该著在文中再次出现时仅注:王森:《西藏佛教发展史略》,2010:33。
(2) 文集论文:作者:论文题目,期刊(文集),年卷期,出版地:出版社,出版时间:页码。如:张广达、荣新江:《八世纪下半至九世纪初的于阗》,《唐研究》第三卷,北京:北京大学出版社,1997:339-363。
(3) 期刊:作者:论文题目,期刊名称和年卷期:页码。如霍。骸洞涌脊欧⑾挚次鞑厥非暗慕煌ㄓ朊骋住,《中国藏学》2013(2):5-24。
(4) 藏文文献的引用格式同上,如:????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????? 1981: 42-43。电子文献请注明电子书号、卷册和页码,如TBRC: W1KG9800-4: 587。
(5) 若引用外文文献,书名或刊名用斜体,论文加引号:如:Luciano Petech, “Western Tibet: Historical Introduction.” In Tabo, a lamp for the Kingdom, Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya, edited by Deborah E. Klimburg-Salter. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1998: 229-255.
3. 中文字体使用标准简体字,藏文使用标准乌坚体,不用任何形式的转写。其他文字如梵文、日文、韩文、蒙文等可采用各自标准转写体系。英文、梵文请统一字体和间距。
4. 文中第一次提及帝王年号,须加公元纪年,如上元二年(675年);第一次提及外国人名,须附原名。中国年号、古籍卷、叶数用中文数字,如贞观十四年,《新唐书》卷五八,《西域水道记》叶三正。 其它公历、杂志卷、期、号、页等均用阿拉伯数字。
5. 文章正文的文内标题、表格、图版、公式应分别连续编号。一级标题用编号一、二、三……二级标题用(一)、(二)、(三)……三级标题用1.、2.、3.……四级标题用(1)、(2)、(3)……一级标题居中,二级标题左对齐,三、四级标题左缩进两格。
6. 文章所附图、表均应达到出版质量要求,并在行文中标明其位置。图表的编号用中文数字,如出现一组多图的情形,于中文数字后加阿拉伯数字,如图一:1. 2. 3.,并附说明文字。若图表来自他人成果,请注明出处,如涉及版权问题,请附上版权所有者授权使用的文件。
The Style sheet for Journal of Tibetology
1. General Guidelines
(1) Submit manuscripts as a MS Word document as well as a PDF. Use a Unicode font if possible (such as Times Extended Roman or Gentium), 12 point size for the main text, 10 point size for the notes. Ideally, articles should be approx. 20 pages, including notes and bibliography. Use ' and "..." instead of the usual apostrophes and quotation marks.
(2) The manuscript should provide a Chinese or English abstract and the title of the paper with no more than 500 words /characters. Book reviews and translations should also submit the original title of the paper in Chinese/English and a photo copy of the paper. Upon submitting translation, one is required to submit the authorization to translate the article by the author or the copyright holder.
(3) Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. They should be in high quality for the publication. When one uses figures and charts from other author's work, one needs to cite the sources. If they concern copyright issues, please submit the authorization to use them by the copyright holder(s).
2. Formatting
(1) Manuscripts should be double-spaced. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
(2) Run paragraphs together, with first line indents for subsequent paragraphs. Block quotes and lists, however, should have an extra carriage return before and after. Paragraphs only need to be indented when they are directly preceded by another paragraph. No first-line indent is needed at the beginning of a chapter, after a subheading, etc.
(3) The main text: Center first-level headings and capitalize the first letter of the first word and of major words. Begin the second-level headings at the left margin and capitalize the first letter of the first word and of major words.
3. Transliteration
For Tibetan transliteration, use Wylie transliteration, with syllables rendered with spaces (no hyphens or periods) between them. There should be no diacritics in the Tibetan except to render Sanskrit-derived letters, as in Shākya and Pa? chen. For Sanskrit, Japanese, and Korean and Mongol, use the standard diacritics system; for Chinese, use Pinyin.
Capitalization of Wylie transliteration:
Only proper names and texts are capitalized. Capitalize the first letter, not the root letter (Dbu not dBu). Only the initial letter in text titles is capitalized, e.g., Legs bshad rin po che'i gter mdzod. In personal names, each title or prefix is capitalized, but only the initial letter in the main name is, for example, Lcang skya Qutuqtu Rol pa'i rdo rje.
? lineages (Bka' gdams pa, Bka' brgyud)
? schools (Sautrāntika school, New Translation school, Mind-only school)
? vehicles (Great Vehicle, Pāramitāyāna, Mantrayāna)
? the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, and Sa?gha)
? personal names and their titles (Buddha Maitreya, ?cārya Nāropa)
? the Tripi?aka (Vinaya, Sūtra Pi?aka, and Abhidharma) when talking about the
? canonical collections. Caps are not necessary when talking about literary genres or monastic curriculum subjects.
Do not capitalize:
? generic holy beings (?rāvakas, arhats, buddhas)
? sūtra, tantra, and secret mantra (unless followed by "Vehicle," "Pi?aka," or part of a title)
? buddha bodies (rūpakya, dharmakāya)
? exalted states (enlightenment, nirvana, profound illumination) or beings (guru, lama)
? realms (form realm, hell realm)
? enumerations (four noble truths, three principal aspects of the path)
? practices (mahāmudrā, lam rim)
? epithets (the future buddha, the bodhisattva of compassion (but not the Buddha of Infinite
Light, which is the translation of a name)
? paths (of seeing, accumulation)
4. Italics
As a general style rule, foreign words are italicized, but because Buddhist literature makes such extensive use of foreign technical terms, italicizing every instance would be excessive. Here are some rules of thumb:
? If a word appears in English dictionaries it does not require italics (e.g., mantra, karma, nirvana).
? Proper names do not require italics (Vaibhā?ika, Thang stong rgyal po).
? Words, no matter what language, should be italicized when referred to as a term or when singled out ("this is what we call metta," or "in this context, the term calm abiding refers to...")
? Foreign words in non-Asian languages are generally italicized (joie de vivre, res extensa).
? Foreign renderings in parentheses following a translated term should be italicized. ("Morality (?īla) is essential.") Do not include the foreign equivalent multiple times for the same English term, especially in close proximity.
? If a foreign word occurs rarely and not in close proximity with its other occurrences in a text, it can be italicized each time.
? Collections of works should not be italicized, e.g., the Kangyur and Tengyur, the Majjhima Nikāya, the Tripi?aka, the Upani?ads and Vedas.
5. Annotation
Please submit your essay with footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should be double-spaced. Wisdom prefers the "author-date" style of citation. In this style, full publication details appear only in the bibliography. All citations, both initial and subsequent ones give author and publication, and forgo the abbreviation "pp." Please avoid using "ibid." or "op. cit." For example:
15 For more on the torma offering, see English 2002: 206–15.
If the reference occurs within an explanatory passage, the publication year and page reference can be placed in parentheses, for example, "As Steinkellner (2003: 79) notes, one can approach this issue in multiple ways." Tibetan texts can be cited with pecha folio and side alone (line numbers are optional), relegating the full bibliographical data—including edition of Tibetan text cited, volume of author's Collected Works, and Tōhoku and Peking numbers (if applicable)—to the bibliography. For example:
Tsong kha pa, Lam rim chen mo, ff. 229a–259b.
6. Bibliography
In author-date style, the publication year should follow the author name.
? For Book, single author:
English, Elizabeth. 2002. Vajrayogin: Her Visualizations, Rituals, and Forms. Boston: Wisdom Publications.
? For Edited volume, multiple authors:
Cabezón, José Ignacio, and Roger R. Jackson, eds. 1996. Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications.
? For Chapter in edited volume:
Tauscher, Helmut. 2003. "Phya pa chos kyi seng ge as a Svātantrika." In The Svātantrika-Prāsa?gika Distinction, edited by Georges Dreyfus and Sara McClintock. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 207–56.
? For Journal article and periodicals (you can abbreviate volume and page references as follows):
de Jong, J. W. 1978. "Textcritical Notes on the Prasannapadā." Indo-Iranian Journal 20.1: 25–59.
? For Tibetan works:
Tsong kha pa Blo bzang grags pa (1359–1417). 1975. Dka' gnas brgyad kyi zin bris. In The Collected Works (Gsung 'bum) of Rje Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang-grags-pa, vol. ba. Delhi: Guru Deva.
? For Chinese References:
Sun Bojun 孙伯君. 2009. "Cong Fanxia duiyin kan Xixiayu de fuyin xitong" 从梵夏对音看西夏语的辅音系统 [Tangut consonantal system reflected in the Sanskrit-Tangut transcription], Hanzangyu Xuebao 汉藏语学报 5: 20-39.
Shi Jinbo史金波, Nie Hongyin 聂鸿音, Bai Bin 白滨. 1994. Xixia Tiansheng Lüling 西夏天盛律令/ Xixia Tiansheng Code, Beijing: Sciences Press.