
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库

Journal of Tibetology

【 2022-03-07 11:15:07 】 【 来源:656娱乐 】



…………………………………………………………马克·奥登德弗 (1)


…………………………………………………约翰·文森特·贝勒扎 (13)

唐初的中尼交通:资料的再审视………………………………王邦维 (43)

在河西走廊和西藏发现的不空之影响(英文)………尤利·霍赫洛夫 (48)

关于藏文蓝黑纸(????????)写经的初步考察:以文献为中心……朱丽双 (137)

西藏夏鲁寺“介尊·喜饶琼乃”壁画释读 ……………………贾玉平 (154)

夏鲁寺一层集会大殿回廊中的佛传壁画研究 ……………………孟瑜 (166)

桑噶地区赤洛纳特寺观音崇拜的艺术史证据(英文)………林瑞宾 (180)

明朝颁赐西藏印章的初步研究 …………………………………李帅 (208)

清代四川藏区土司官印初探 ……………………………………刘莎 (230)

乾隆御用嘎巴拉鼓研究 …………………………………………林欢 (244)

故宫博物院藏乾隆皇帝本生故事集——《法王新胜传》 ……李若愚 (276)

西藏的胎藏界曼荼罗传统及其彩沙曼荼罗制作(英文)……田中公明 (298)

摘要……………………………………………………………………… (308)


1. Archaeological Evidence for the Bon Mdos rgyab Ritual at Samdzong, Upper Mustang, Nepal* /1

Mark Aldenderfer

2. Knucklebones, An Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Inquiry into one of Tibet’s Oldest Gaming and Divination Objects* /13

John Vincent Bellezza

3. Re-examination of Materials about the Communications between Nepal and China in the Early Tang Dynasty /43

Wang Bangwei

4. Uncovering Amoghavajra’s Legacy in the Hexi Corridor and Tibet* /48

Yury Khokhlov

5. A Preliminary Survey on Mthing shog Manuscripts /134

Zhu Lishuang

6. An Interpretation of the Mural of Lce btsun Shes rab 'byung gnas in Zhwa lu Monastery /151

Jia Yuping

7. On the Mural Painting of Buddha’s life in the Corridor of the Assembly Hall on the First Floor of Zhwa lu Monastery/163

Meng Yu

8. Art Historical Evidence for a Cult of the Triloknāth Loke?vara in Zangskar* /177

Rob Linrothe

9. Research on the Seals Granted by the Ming Dynasty to Tibet /205

Li Shuai

10. Research on the Official Seals of the Chieftain (Tusi) in the Tibetan Region of Sichuan Province in the Qing Dynasty /227

Liu Sha

11. The Imperial Kapala Drums of the Qianlong Emperor /244

Lin Huan

12. Fa Wang Xin Sheng ZhuanStories of Qianlong Emperor’s Incarnations/273

Li Ruoyu

13. The Tradition of the Garbha-ma??ala in Tibet and its Sand Ma??ala Creation* /295

Kimiaki Tanaka

14. Abstracts /305

