青海省玉树州曲麻莱县昂拉岩画调查简报…… 青海省文物考古研究所、656娱乐考古学系、中国藏学研究所、成都文物考古研究院 (1)
再读阔端致萨班书 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………孙鹏浩 陈庆英 (32)
皇帝和上师的通信(一)——大乘法王致明成祖第一封书信研究……………………………………………………………………杨天雪 (46)
嘉夏寺事件与格鲁派在滇西北地区的发展………………………………………………………………………………………………李志英 (65)
藏文档案所见两金川土司视野中的“皇帝”“土司”概念…………………………………………………………………… 邹立波 红音 (90)
论《西番译语》及《川番译语》编纂始末 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 春花 (105)
清代《嘉绒译语》藏文注音的规律和性质 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 王振 (122)
“锅庄”考:兼说其与多闻天子崇拜的关系 ………………………………………………………………………………… 姜照中 石佳咏 (141)
19 世纪后期英印土著情报员——“班智达”在藏间谍活动论析…………………………………………………………………… 何文华 (174)
国民政府就西藏“外交局事件”的对英交涉………………………………………………………………………………… 冯翔 喜饶尼玛 (185)
《西藏新志》考论……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………柳森 (205)
“新知”与“旧识”:民国时期任乃强的康藏民族分类观及其变化……………………………………………………… 李沛容 吴会蓉 (216)
近代巴塘华西学校办学小史 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘欢 (227)
民国时期边疆国立师范教育的调适与转变——以西康省国立巴安师范学校为例 …………………………………………………潘晓曈 (244)
“高原丝绸之路历史文化国际学术研讨会”会议述评……………………………………………………………………………赵靖 孙昭亮(256)
摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(264)
1. A Survey of Petroglyphs Found in Ngam ra, Chu dmar leb County of Yushul, Qinghai Province /1
Li Ming, Cai Linhai, Li Yongxian
2. K?ten’s Letter to Sa skya Pa??ita Revisited /32
Sun Penghao, Chen Qingying
3. Letters Between an Emperor and his Spiritual Teacher (I) — A Study of a Letter of Theg chen Chos rje (1349-1425) to Ming Chengzu (1360-1424) and his Sons /46
Yang Tianxue
4. The Rgya bya Monastery Event and the Dge lugs pa’s Expansion into Northwestern Yunnan /65
Li Zhiying
5. The Event of Blo bzang bstan 'dzin and the Overall Control of Khams by the Qing Dynasty /77
Wang Lina
6. Tibetan Archival Sources for the Concept of “Emperor” and “Tusi” according to two Jinchuan
Chieftains /90
Zou Libo, Hong Yin
7. The Compilation of the Xifan [Tibetan] Glossary and the Chuanfan [Tibetan] Glossary /105
Chun Hua
8. The Rules and Nature of the Tibetan Phonetic Transcriptions in the Gyalrong Glossary /122
Wang Zhen
9. A Study of Guozhuang and its Relation with the Cult of Vai?rava?a /141
Jiang Zhaozhong, Seda Karata?
He Wenhua
11. The Nationalist Government’s Negotiation with Britain on the “Foreign Bureau Incident” in Tibet /185
Feng Xiang, Xiraonima
12. A Study of the Xizang Xinzhi /205
Liu Sen
13. “Modern Knowledge” and “Old Knowledge”: Ren Naiqiang’s View of the Khams-Tibetan Ethnic Classification During the Republic of China /216
Li Peirong, Wu Huirong
14. A Brief History of the Founding of the Huaxi School in Batang during Modern Times /227
Liu Huan
15. Adjustment and Transformation of National Teacher Education in the Frontier during the Republic of China — Taking Xikang Province National Ba’an Normal School as an Example /224
Pan Xiaotong
16. A Review of the International Conference on the History and Culture along the Plateau Silk Road /256
Zhao Jing, Sun Zhaoliang
17. ABSTRACTS /264