敦煌藏文文书 P.t.1077《都督为女奴事诉状》研究… ………………… 陆离 / 1
英、法所藏敦煌古藏文中观文献分类及其特点研究………………………仁青吉 /17
吐蕃时期《维摩诘所说经》汉藏译本对比……………………………… 杨本加 / 32
拉萨小昭寺源流考 … …………………………………………………… 刘凤强 / 44
从夏扎·旺秋杰布的《桑耶寺志》探析桑耶寺修缮的历史 ………… 龙珠多杰 崔宇 / 55
十力吉祥友及其《有为无为抉择》的时代简注(英文)……………… 范德康 / 67
拶也阿难捺和贡却僧格生平考补(英文)… …………………………… 聂鸿音 / 74
雍增·益希坚赞所造《一世班禅大师克主杰传记》译考 …………… 夏吾李加 还格吉 / 86
有关班禅世系研究的概述… …………………………………………… 李若虹 / 126
宝相楼一楼明间唐卡研究… ……………………………………………… 文明 / 148
西藏牦牛博物馆馆藏铁柄牦牛纹铜镜及相关问题考……………………… 薛江 / 173
新发现的清代噶伦索康·斯觉次旦传记写本考述…………………… 永中久美 / 190
《卫藏图识》作者、材料来源及文献价值考述…………………………杨学东 / 205
19 世纪中叶法国巴黎外方会早期进藏活动史考………………… 刘瑞云 孙蕊 / 216
对几种外文藏文教材的评介——兼论古典藏文教学… ………………马洲洋 / 243
吐蕃王室世系、王位继承以及政治联姻研究 …………………………[美]杜晓峰 著、张旭 武显云 译、杨铭 校 / 271
吐蕃禅宗 :一个遗失传统的发现 ……………………………………[英]沙木·冯·谢克 著、: 寇金花 译、张长虹 校 / 288
斯比提岩画概述 …………………………………………………………[美]约翰·文森特·贝勒扎 著、永保藏 译 / 307
嵌史入石——拉达克早期佛教石刻艺术 ………………………………[德]平措多杰 著、张中亚 译 / 332
摘 要………………………………………………………………………… / 355 2
1. A Study of Dunhuang Manuscript P.t. 1077: A Statement of the Claim Concerning To tog’s Female Slave /1
2. A Discussion of the Classification in the Dunhuang Tibetan Documents of Madhyamaka and its Features Based on the Tibetan Collections of the French National Library and the British Library /17
Renqing Ji
3. A Comparison of the Chinese and Tibetan Versions of the Vimalakīrti sūtra during the Tobo Period /32
Yangben Jia
4. A Study of the Origin of the Ra mo che in Lhasa /44
LIU Fengqiang
5. A Study of the History of the Restoration of Bsam yas Monastery Based on Bshad sgra Dbang phyug rgyal po’s Bsam yas Annals /55
Lhun grub rdo rje and CUI yu
6. A Brief Note on the Date of Da?abala?rīmitra and his Sa?sk?tāsa?sk?tavini?caya /67
Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
7. Complementary Notes on the Biography of Jayānanda and Dkon mchog seng ge /74
NIE Hongyin
Sha bo klu rgyal and Dpa’mkhar skyyid
9. Overview of Research and Publications on the Pan chen Lamas /126
LI Ruohong
10. A Study of the Thangkas in the Main Hall of the First Floor of the Baoxianglou /148
WEN Ming
11. A Yak-Pattern Bronze Mirror with an Iron Handle Housed in the Yak Museum of Tibet and Related Issues /173
XUE Jiang
12. A Newly Discovered Manuscript of the Biography of Bka’blon zur khang Sri gcod tshe brtan(1766-1820) /190
Gyung drung’gyur med
13. A Study of the Author, Sources and Value of the Book Weizang tuzhi /205
YANG Xuedong
Liu Ruiyun and SUN Rui
15. A Review of Several Tibetan Textbooks — and the Approaches to the Teaching of Classical Tibetan /243
MA Zhouyang
16. Succession and Marriage and the Tibetan Royal Line /271
Brandon Dotson, Chinese translation by ZHANG Xu and WU Xianyun, Proofread by YANG Ming
17. Tibetan Zen: Discovering a Lost Tradition /288
Sam van Schaik, Chinese translation by NIU Hong and KOU Jinhua, Proofread by ZHANG Changhong
18. The Rock Art of Spiti — A General Introduction /307
John Vincent Bellezza, Chinese translation by Yongbao Zang
19. Embedded in Stone — Early Buddhist Rock Art of Ladakh /332
Phun tshogs rdo rje, Chinese translation by ZHANG Zhongya
17. ABSTRACTS /355