“牦牛镜”与“藏式有柄镜”研究…………………………………………………………………… 李永宪 / 1
西藏阿里地区早期铁器与冶铁技术:卡基墓地出土冶金相关遗物研究李玉牛 …………………… 孙天强 张梦逸 李帅 杨锋 / 24
西藏山南扎基藏仲碑的调查与研究…………………………………………………………………… 夏吾卡先 / 35
西藏西部新发现《吐蕃铁券文书》译注 …………………………………………………………… 阿贵 索南才旦 / 47
“唐蕃古道”甘肃段线路考察与再探 ………………………………………………………………… 李志鹏 / 65
丝绸之路青海道研究回顾与展望 ……………………………………………………………………… 曹中俊 / 78
北宋兰州把拶桥地望考论 …………………………………… ………………………………………… 石坚军 / 97
米拉日巴传记唐卡源流考——从洛杉矶郡立艺术博物馆藏米拉日巴传记唐卡出发 ……………… 梁云云 / 116
汉藏文化交融下的推陈出新之作:丽江市博物院旧藏释迦牟尼佛与十六罗汉唐卡组画 ………… 李凯 / 163
藏语巴德话的基本指示词n?53 和t?31 ………………………………………………………………… 宋晓红 / 188
十九世纪中叶法国传教士对康区的区域认知 ………………………………………………………… 罗宏 刘晓旭 / 205
十九世纪中叶法国巴黎外方传教会川藏教区勘界史考 ……………………………………………… 刘瑞云 范昌隆 / 220
记录西藏 :二十世纪上半期英国人在西藏的摄影活动 …………………………………………… 赵光锐 张植荣 / 234
摘 要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… / 256
"The Yak Mirror" and the Study of "Tibetan Handled Mirrors"/1
Li Yongxian
Early Use and Smelting Technologies of Iron in the Ngari Region of Tibet: A Scientific Analysis of the Iron Smelting related Remains Excavated from the Kaji Cemetery Site/24
Li Yuniu Sun Tianqiang Zhang Mengyi Li Shuai Yang Feng
Re-investigations of the Two Gtsang-Grong Steles in Drachee (Grwa phyi) of Central Tibet/35
Shawo Khacham
Ngakon and Sonam Tsetan
A Re-examination of the Gansu Section of the "Tang-Bod Ancient Route"/65
Li Zhipeng
Review and Prospect of Research on the Qinghai Route of the Silk Road/78
Cao Zhongjun
A Study on the Historical Significance of Baza Bridge in Lanzhou during the Northern Song Dynasty/97
Shi Jianjun
An Examination of the Source of the Thangka of Milarepa's Life: Based on the Collection at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art/116
Liang Yunyun
A Thangka Set of ?ākyamuni and the Sixteen Arhats in the Collection of the Lijiang Municipal Museum/163
Li Kai
Basic Demonstratives n?53 and t?31 in the Pada Tibetan/188
Song Xiaohong
The French Missionaries' Regional Knowledge of Khams in the Mid-19th Century/205
Luo Hong and Liu Xiaoxu
A Historical Examination of the Boundary Demarcation of the Sichuan-Tibet Missionary Region by the Paris Foreign Missions Society in the Mid-19th Century220
Liu Ruiyun and Fan Changlong
Recording Tibet: British Photography in Tibet in the First Half of the 20th Century/234
Zhao Guangrui and Zhang Zhirong