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嘎尔让Associate Prof. Gaerrang (kabzung)


Personal profile

? ? ? 嘎尔让,藏族,副教授,硕士生导师。美国科罗拉多大学人文地理专业博士毕业。研究领域为人文地理发展研究、藏传佛教与世俗化以及文化生态学等学科。擅长运用人类学、政治经济学、民族志和后结构主义等交叉学科对藏区热点问题进行研究。对藏族牧区社会发展转型与藏传佛教的现代化、藏区社会世俗化以及藏区草原生态保护与可持续发展等领域具有丰富的研究经验。在Journal of Asian Studies, Conservation and Society, Revue d'EtudesTibétaines, Area 以及Nomadic People 等英文期刊上发表多篇论文。

? ? ? Dr. Gaerrang earned his PhD at the University of Colorado-Boulder in 2012. He is currently an associate professor at CTS. He grew up in a Tibetan community and received graduate training in both China and the United States. His research interests include development, religious movements, and environmental change in pastoral societies of southeastern Tibet, China. Dr. Gaerrang has published many articles in well-known international journals, including The Journal of Asian Studies, Conservation and Society, Area, Nomadic Peoples, and other publications.
