杨清凡 Associate Prof. Yang Qingfan
Personal profile
杨清凡,白族,副研究员。曾任职于西藏社会科学院,在西藏多地进行考察。目前学术兴趣为联系藏汉文献进行藏传佛教考古与艺术、历史时期的西藏考古研究,主持教育部项目《藏传佛教密教遗存考察:以7-15世纪五方佛图像及信仰为中心》(已结项)、国社科一般项目《西喜玛拉雅地区的佛教遗存研究(8-15世纪)》(在研)。出版专著《藏族服饰史》,发表西藏考古与艺术领域论文及译文 20 余篇。
Dr. Yang specializes in Archaeology and Culture of Tibet, Tibetan Buddhist art, and Archaeology. Having been a faculty member of Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences in Lhasa and the visiting scholar of the “Tibetan Training Program” of the Harvard-Yenching Institute during 2012–13, she has combined composite field investigation with text and literature (both Tibetan and Chinese) in her research. She has published over twenty papers and two monographs, including The History of Tibetan Costume: Based on Archaeology Discovery and Literature (Xining, 2003). Her Archaeological Research on Tibetan Esoteric Buddhist Sites and Relics: Iconography and Beliefs associated with the Five Dhyani Buddhas (7th–15th c.) is forthcoming.