杨锋 Associate Prof. Yang Feng
Personal profile
? ? ? 杨锋,博士、讲师。从事藏族文化遗产保护与研究,主要以地理信息系统技术、考古测绘技术、摄影测量与三维重建等技术手段研究藏族文化遗产的相关问题。目前研究的课题有以藏王墓为中心的 GIS 支持下的西藏大遗址研究,数字化考古方法的探索两个方面。代表性论文包括西藏重点文物保护单位的设立及存在问题的探讨、青瓦达孜遗址的调查基于藏王墓的关系、在新获取考古调查、测绘资料基础上对藏王墓相关问题的研究等。
Dr. Yang Feng engages in Tibetan archaeological research. His work mainly concerns GIS archaeological research and the application of recent technology to the field of archaeology. He has extensive experience in archaeological fieldwork. Dr. Yang participated in the archaeological exploration of the Tibet Kings’ Tombs (2012–14), archaeological investigations of the Qiongjie River and the Qiongjie River Basin, and the excavation of the Jianchuan Haimenkou Site in 2016. He undertook the Ministry of Education Youth Fund project “GIS-supported Study of the Tibetan Ruins” and “An Initial Exploratory Study of Digital Archaeological Methods” supported by SCU, and also published in the “Archaeological” magazine.