
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库


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许渊钦 Associate Prof. Xu Yuanqin


Personal profile

? ? ? 许渊钦,副教授,硕士生导师。研究领域为藏传佛教史与宗教仪式研究,近年从事喜马拉雅地区哲孟雄(锡金)政治与宗教关系研究与早期藏文典籍的翻译。曾多次赴印度锡金邦、四川甘孜州、青海等地进行实地调查,能够将田野材料结合汉、藏文献从事政教史与宗教仪式研究。代表性论文涉及藏族的赎替仪式研究、哲孟雄起源探究、藏文古籍《娘氏教法史》藏汉翻译相关方面等十余篇学术论文发表在《中国藏学》《宗教学研究》等刊物。

Dr. Xu specializes in Tibetan Buddhist history and the study of Tibetan religious rituals. In recent years, he has focused on political and religious issues concerning Sikkim in the Himalayan region and also on the translation of ancient Tibetan texts. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in Sikkim, India, Kardze (Ganzi) Tibetan autonomous prefecture of Sichuan Province and Qinghai Province in China. He has published over ten papers about the study of Tibetan Buddhist rituals and the origins of Sikkim in authoritative core periodicals. He has also been publishing a series of translations and annotations of Nyang chos 'byung me tog snying po sbrang rtsi'i bcud (The Religious History of Nyang), a very important ancient Tibetan text written in the 12th century.
