
656娱乐铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地 656娱乐 图书资料库


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熊文彬 Prof. Xiong Wenbin


Personal profile


Prof. Xiong, a Tibetan from Sichuan Province, specializes in Tibetan history, especially in Tibetan art history and the artistic communications between ancient Han Chinese and Tibetan cultures. Before joining CTS in 2015, he had been working at China Tibetology Research Center (CTRC) in Beijing, focusing on the studies and exhibitions on Tibetan history and culture. At present, his research focuses on the study of artistic communication between Han Chinese and Tibetan cultures during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). Prof. Xiong has published several monographs, including Mediaeval Tibetan Buddhist Arts: A Study of Murals of the Sku 'Bum Monastery in Gyantse (1994); Research on the Artistic Communications between Tibet and the Interior of China during the Yuan Dynasty (2003), and he coauthored The Development of Tibetan Buddhist Art History (2012). He has also published more than fifty academic articles. He has received many national and provincial awards, include the Mountain Everest award, the highest national award for Tibetan studies in China.
